Privacy Policy


The Phi Beta Kappa Society (“Phi Beta Kappa”) seeks to protect the privacy of its members and of visitors to its Websites (defined below).   We have put in place physical, electronic, and managerial procedures that are intended to safeguard and secure the information we collect online, to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information to further the mission of Phi Beta Kappa

The following Privacy Policy explains how we treat any information gathered on the Phi Beta Kappa website,, as well as The Key Reporter website, (collectively the “Websites”).  This Privacy Policy is subject to the DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS detailed in the Terms of Use. This Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding personal data and other information that we collect in connection with your use of the Websites for

  • general information about Phi Beta Kappa, 
  • educational and cultural content available through our publications and newsletters, 
  • member services (including portals for new member registration, payment and donations), and 
  • registration for meetings, events, and electronic newsletters and e-alerts.  

By viewing or using the information, services and links provided by the Websites, you accept this Privacy Policy and agree to comply with, and be bound by, the Terms of Use.

Overview of Information Collection and Uses 


Phi Beta Kappa gathers information from members, visitors and subscribers via voluntary registration on our website, voluntary sign-up for email newsletter lists, cookie technology, and IP addresses. We use the information that we collect to operate and maintain our websites; to track membership to allow our staff to provide benefits and services; to send you communications relating to your membership, donation, subscription, or expressed interests in our publications and other activities; to respond to your questions and concerns; and to fulfill our contractual obligations.

In general, you may visit the Website without submitting any personal information. However, to provide certain online services to members, Phi Beta Kappa may request personal information in one or more of the ways listed below. Users are told when information is to be collected, and you have the option not to submit this information.

Information You Provide

Online forms.

As a convenience to members, Phi Beta Kappa provides online forms for transactions such as new member registration, event registration, newsletter subscriptions, and contributions to the Society.  Some of the information collected on these forms will be shared on occasion with chapters and associations of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Some of the information collected on these forms may be shared with a third party for business purposes. Users have the right to request that their personal information not be shared with such third parties.

Online credit card transactions.

As a convenience to contributing members, Phi Beta Kappa accepts online credit card transactions through its secure servers. The credit card information provided by users at the site is submitted through the companies that Phi Beta Kappa has contracted with to process the secure electronic transaction. This information is not used for any other purpose.

Information Collected Through Website Navigation 

Password-protected services.

The Website password system uses cookies. When you log in to a member-restricted area, the Phi Beta Kappa web server places a small file (or “cookie” defined below) on your computer’s hard drive. This cookie does not contain any personal information, but it allows the server to identify you as having successfully logged in previously so that you do not have to reenter your password each time you access the password-protected page. You can set your browser to warn you before you accept a cookie. You can also set your browser to refuse all cookies. While all public pages of the Website are accessible without receipt of a cookie, you must accept a cookie to access a password-restricted area.

Cookie Policy.

We use cookies to help us improve your experience of the Website. This cookie policy is part of our privacy policy and covers the use of cookies between your device and our site. We also provide basic information on third-party services we may use on our website, who may also use cookies as part of their service, though they are not covered by our policy.

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired content and services. At our discretion, we may change our privacy policy at any time. Any changes will be reflected here, so we encourage you to visit this page regularly. We will also notify our registered users of updates to our policy. Your continued use of this site after any changes to this policy will be regarded as acceptance of our cookie practices as described.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit, typically containing information about the website itself, a unique identification number that allows the website to recognize your web browser when you return, additional data that serves the purpose of the cookie, and the lifespan of the cookie itself.

Cookies are used to enable certain features (e.g., logging in), to track site usage (e.g., analytics), to store your user settings (e.g., time-zone, notification preferences), and to personalize your content (e.g., advertising, language).

Cookies set by the website you are visiting are normally referred to as “first-party cookies”, and typically only track your activity on that particular site. Cookies set by other sites and companies (i.e. third parties) are called “third-party cookies,” and can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service.

Types of cookies and how we use them

  • Essential cookies
    • Essential cookies are crucial to your experience of a website, enabling core features like user logins, account management, shopping carts and payment processing. We use essential cookies to enable certain functions on our website.
  • Performance cookies
    • Performance cookies are used in the tracking of how you use a website during your visit, without collecting personal information about you. Typically, this information is anonymous and aggregated with information tracked across all site users, to help companies understand visitor usage patterns, identify and diagnose problems or errors their users may encounter, and make better strategic decisions in improving their audience’s overall website experience. These cookies may be set by the website you’re visiting (first-party) or by third-party services. We use performance cookies on our site.
  • Functionality cookies
    • Functionality cookies are used in collecting information about your device and any settings you may configure on the website you’re visiting (like language and time-zone settings). With this information, websites can provide you with customized, enhanced or optimized content and services. These cookies may be set by the website you’re visiting (first-party) or by third-party service. We use functionality cookies for selected features on our site.
  • Targeting/advertising cookies
    • Targeting/advertising cookies are used in determining what promotional content is more relevant and appropriate to you and your interests. Websites may use them to deliver targeted advertising or to limit the number of times you see an advertisement. This helps companies improve the effectiveness of their campaigns and the quality of content presented to you. These cookies may be set by the website you’re visiting (first-party) or by third-party services. Targeting/advertising cookies set by third-parties may be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. We use targeting/advertising cookies on our site.
  • Third-party cookies on our site
    • We may employ third-party companies and individuals on our websites — for example, analytics providers and content partners. We grant these third parties access to selected information to perform specific tasks on our behalf. They may also set third-party cookies in order to deliver the services they are providing. Third-party cookies can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. As we have no control over third-party cookies, they are not covered by Phi Beta Kappa's cookie policy.

How you can control or opt out of cookies

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our Website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to either refuse cookies altogether, or to notify you when a website is trying to set or update a cookie. If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may need to update your settings on each individual device.

Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact on your experience of a website, blocking all cookies may mean you are unable to access certain features and content across the sites you visit.

Web site administration.

The Phi Beta Kappa web server maintains a standard log file of visitors to the site that automatically records your IP address or that of the service you use to connect to the Internet. No personal information is attached to this address. Phi Beta Kappa may use this IP address to help diagnose problems with the server and to administer the Web site. This address is not shared with any third parties or used for any other purpose. We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design our Website. For example, we use a Web analytics program to learn what our most and least popular pages and resources are in order to improve our site overall. We do not disclose anything that could be used to identify individual visits.


If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at [email protected].