Love of Learning Professional Development Grants


About the Grants

The Love of Learning Grant was established in honor of the Phi Beta Kappa motto, “love of learning is the guide to life.” This grant program was designed to provide funds to our members who wish to pursue endeavors to continue lifelong learning and advance in their professions. The Society will issue a limited number of grants of up to $350 to Phi Beta Kappa members to support their pursuit of professional development. Grants will be awarded by lottery. The 2024 application cycle will be open from May 1 to June 15.


Eligibility Requirements 

  • Applicant must be a ΦBK member – this grant is open to members of all ages 
  • Applicant must have a U.S. based mailing address
  • Applicant must be planning to engage in and pay for professional development between July 1, 2024 and January 15, 2025  
  • Applicant must submit a completed application by the deadline of June 15, 2024
  • Applicant must agree to have their information updated in the database (Privacy Policy
  • Applicant has not previously received a Love of Learning Grant from the Society

Funding Parameters

Applicants can request up to $350 in their application for professional development activities.

This grant funding can be used for: 

  • Graduate school application fees 
  • Fees for exams, courses, trainings, and certifications 
  • Annual membership dues for professional associations 
  • Conference, seminar, or workshop registration 

Grant funding can NOT be used for: 

  • ΦBK Association events or membership 
  • Food, beverage, travel, or boarding expenses 
  • ​Tuition or other student fees
  • Supplies (computers, apps or programs, business cards, headshots)

Application Requirements

Applicants should be prepared to have the following information ready when applying:
  • Name 
  • Phi Beta Kappa chapter where applicant was inducted and year
  • Current mailing address and email address
  • Short bio (250 words or less)
  • What you are you requesting funds for? (please consult funding parameters section)
  • How much are you requesting? (limit of $350) 
  • A link that shows the price of what you are requesting
  • How this learning opportunity will impact you? (250 words or less) 
Note: please only submit one application per cycle. If more than one submission was entered by an invidual member, the one with the earliest time stamp will be the one entered into the lottery.

Recipient Expectations

  • Recipient agrees to respond to award notification within 7 days to confirm receipt
  • Recipient agrees to send a headshot and a quote to be used on social media  
  • Recipient agrees to use grant funds for purposes expressed in application by January 15, 2025
  • Recipient agrees to send a receipt to the Society by January 15, 2025

Grant Distribution Timeline

  • May 1, 2024: Application opens
  • June 15, 2024: Application closes
  • June 15 - July 1, 2024: The randomly selected winners will be contacted by Phi Beta Kappa
  • July 15, 2024: Grants will be mailed to selected winners
  • January 15, 2025: Deadline for winners to use granted funds for purposes expressed in the application and to send a receipt back to the Society
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Applications for the Love of Learning Professional Development Grant

Apply Now

Staff Contact

Please email Solai Sanchez at [email protected] with any inquiries. 

ΦΒΚ and Your Career


Looking for more ways to pursue professional development? The ΦΒΚ Key Connections program offers opportunities to network at events hosted by our national office and associations. In addition, members can build professional experience by volunteering with our local associations. If you're looking for more resources, check out our Key Into Your Career webpage for liberal arts and sciences job boards and helpful articles.