Media Coverage



Founded in 1776, The Phi Beta Kappa Society is the nation’s most prestigious academic honor society and is a leading voice championing liberal arts and sciences education, fostering freedom of thought, and recognizing academic excellence. The Society and its leadership have a well-established media presence earning coverage in newspapers across the country, on major television news broadcasts, and across digital news outlets.

Secretary and CEO Frederick M. Lawrence, is Phi Beta Kappa’s primary spokesperson and has considerable experience giving interviews, on-camera, in person, or by phone. An accomplished scholar, teacher and attorney, Lawrence is one of the nation’s leading experts on civil rights, free expression, and bias crimes. 

To arrange an interview, please contact Mackenzie Galloway-Cole at [email protected].

A Liberal Education in Name Only
Inside Higher Ed | 10.23.23 

Work now or go to graduate school? This checklist can help you decide.
LinkedIn | 7.20.22 

How to Become Phi Beta Kappa and Why
U.S. News & World Report | 5.2.22 

Authoritarianism and the Liberal Arts
Liberal Education Blog | 11.2.20  

Can Colleges and Universities Survive the Pandemic?
NPR 1A | 9.10.20

The Edge: Can Higher Education Sell Students on Public Service
Chronicle of Higher Education | 8.19.20

What You Can Do With a Liberal Arts Degree
U.S. News & World Report | 06.19.20

As the Coronavirus Scrambles Colleges’ Finances, Leaders Hope for the Best and Plan for the Worst
Chronicle of Higher Education | 3.12.20

Tears, Confusion and Financial Woes As Colleges Abruptly End Semesters and Send Students Home
The Hechinger Report | 3.12.20

For the Love of Learning: Nonpartisan Advocacy and the Mission of the University
Liberal Education | 3.1.19

How to Champion Free Speech - And Avoid Campus Riots
LinkedIn | 2.19.18

Four Lessons on 'Liberal' Education's Future
Education Dive | 1.28.19
Practicing Vigorous Civility
Higher Education Today | 10.31.18

Parents: Pack Conversation on Seizing College Opportunities into Move-in Week
USA Today | 08.09.18

What Critics of a Liberal Arts and Sciences Education Are Missing 
Fox News | 06.12.18

Let Divisive Speakers Like Richard Spencer Talk, But Set The Ground Rules, Says Free-Speech Expert 
The Seattle Times | 10.27.17

Three Core Principles Emerge for Free Speech Debates on Campuses 
The Philadelphia Inquirer | 10.09.17

Americans Divided on Higher Education, But We Can Move to Common Ground
The Hill | 08.28.17

The Limits and Freedoms of Speech on Campus
U.S. News & World Report | 08.08.17

Challenges to Free Speech on College Campuses 
Testimony to the House Subcommittees on Intergovernmental Affairs and Health Care, Benefits, and Administrative Rules | 07.27.17

Free Speech on College Campuses in the Senate Spotlight 
Washington Post | 06.20.17

Free Speech 101: The Assault on the First Amendment on College Campuses 
Testimony to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary | 06.20.17

Congressional Shooting Offers Opportunity to Recommit to Civility
The Baltimore Sun | 06.20.17

Letter to the Editor Re: Maybe College is Too Late to Learn to Think
The Wall Street Journal | 06.12.17

The Contours of Free Expression on Campus
Liberal Education | Spring 2017

Interview on Hate Crimes
Al Jazeera | 06.5.17

How Howard Used the Liberal Arts to Win Brown vs. Board of Education
The Hill | 05.17.17

The Ties That Thrive: Humanities in Communities
WYPR | 05.4.17

A Focus on Funding
Inside Higher Ed | 04.24.17

Don't Shout Down Repugnant Speakers, Ask Them Tough Questions
Newsweek | 04.13.17

On James Rosenquist's Death: The Kind of Artist Universities Need
The Hill | 04.08.17

How to Tell Sketchy Honor Society from Legitimate Ones
USA Today College | 03.07.17

Phi Beta Kappa Head Speaks at Union
The Daily Gazette | 02.27.17  

A Guide for Colleges Navigating the Hate Speech Line 
The Hill | 01.30.17 

Honor Society Awards Atlanta for Arts and Sciences 
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution | 01.26.17 

Without Liberal Arts and Sciences, America's Foundation Crumbles 
The Hill | 12.01.16 

Rediscovering the Role of Public Citizen and the Art of Public Discourse 
The Hill | 11.14.16 

Interview with Varney & Company on Student Protests and the Election 
Fox Business | 11.14.16 

Disagreeing Agreeably: Dedicating Ourselves to Productive Dialogue 
Huffington Post  | 09.26.16